Case Study 1: Should a Computer Grade Your Essays?
- Identify the kinds of systems described in this case.
- What are the benefits of automated essay grading? What are the drawbacks? (1 Mark)
- What management, organization, and technology factor should be considered when deciding whether to use AES? (1 Mark)
Case Study 2: American Water Keeps Data Flowing
- How did implementing a data warehouse help American Water move toward a more centralized organization?
- Give some examples of problems that would have occurred at American Water if its data were not “clean”?
- How did American Water’s data warehouse improve operations and management decision making?
Case Study 3: Driving Ari Fleet Management with Real-Time Analytics
- Why was data management so problematic at ARI?
- Describe ARI’s earlier capabilities for data analysis and reporting and their impact on the business.
- Was SAP HANA a good solution for ARI? Why or why not?
- Describe the changes in the business as a result of adopting HANA.
Case Study 4: Zappos
- Define SCM and how it can benefit Zappos.
- Explain CRM and why Zappos would benefit from the implementation of a CRM system.
- Demonstrate why Zappos would need to implement SCM, CRM, and ERP for a connected corporation.
- Analyze the merger between Zappos and Amazon and assess potential issues for Zappos customers.
- Propose a plan for how Zappos can use Amazon’s supply chain to increase sales and customer satisfaction.
**Case study in attachments
Solution instructions:
- Each answer must have at least 100 words
- • The ‘answers’ to the questions are best formulated by reviewing the case and the reading materials up
- Please attach the references used for the solution
- Use APA Style for references
- Plagiarism is strictly prohibited
- Arrange the answers directly after each question
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