8 to 10 page case report double spaced
All references have to be cited:
- Books:
- Douglas, S.P. and Craig, C.S. (2008) International Marketing Research, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
- World Bank (2012) World Development Indicators, Washington, DC: The World Bank.
- Articles:
- Smith, S. (2012) “The New Economy: What It Really Means,” Business Week, November 17, pp. 27-31.
- Knight, G. (1995) “International Marketing Blunders by American Firms in Japan – Some Lessons for Management,” Journal of International Marketing, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 107-129.
- Reports:
- UNCTAD (2013) World Investment Report 2012, New York: United Nations: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
- Internet Sites:
- Central Intelligence Agency (2001) The World Factbook 2012(http://www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html), Washington, DC: Central Intelligence Agency.
- Hoover’s, Inc. (2012) Hoover’s Online (http://www.hoovers.com), Austin, TX: Hoover’s, Inc.
- Jupiter Communications Inc. (http://www.jup.com), New York, NY.
All instructions are attached
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