Hi I will need this by 5 pm on Monday 9/11 i have also attached the paper grading rubics and the format the teacher would like for this paper
please have a look at it before you work on the paper.
Review the supplied data presented in the Business Plan Scenario.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you identify and recommend technology needs, hours of operation, and services offered for the health care organization.
Include the following in your paper:
- Recommend which services should be provided at the center and describe why they are appropriate at this site.
- Describe the hours of operation and why you recommend those hours.
- Describe the major equipment and technology needed to provide the recommended service. Include a projected cost for that equipment.
- Discuss the type of corporation you think the center should consider (e.g., a department of the hospital or an LLC) and why.
Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
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