Outlook For The Future
Before writing, think about some of the key attributing variables that are causing managers roles to change. BE cognizant of two factors. First, that the business environment is in constant change and new circumstances will require new strategies and new approaches to implementing those strategies. Second, that strategic management is a young subject that is still in its early stages of development. Finding solutions to familiar and new business problems will require openness to new ideas, new concepts, and new approaches to strategy formulation and implementation.
Now, in your discussion question address the following questions:
- What will be the key developments in the global environment of business during the next five years?
- On the basis of these, what will be the greatest challenges that firms from the advanced industrialized countries will face?
- What strategies will firms need to adopt in order to prosper in the environment you foresee?
- What are the implications for these developments for firms’ organizational structures, management systems, and leadership styles?
- Utilize at least one academic source to support your ideas. Sources include an APA formatted reference and internal citations.
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