Initial question:

Why is it significant that an organization allow for failure? What are some significant ways an organization can allow for failure and still find success?

My response:

Penicillin, pacemakers, Viagra, and potato chips have one thing in common; all resulted from failed attempts of something different. Thomas Edison stated that he had not failed 10,000 times, but he had learned 10,000 ways of not making a bulb. Managers should, therefore, support employees to make mistakes. Mistakes are where innovation gets fostered, and employees learn and gain experience. Mistakes should not be confused as a lack of performance, but rather as a way of learning (“Success or failure in failure?” 2009).

Research shows that mistakes allow the brain to expand through the experience gained. The brain compiles a lot of information about the experience when mistakes get made, and it gets bigger with the learning setup. Eventually, therefore, one gets smarter because of failure. Also, the cosst of failure is equal to the cost of learning. For employers to prevent mistakes, they would have to spend a lot of money teaching employees how to avoid those mistakes. If an employer makes a mistake and loses $1000, how much would the company have spent to avoid that mistake? No doubt they would have spent more, but the experience gained through learning cannot get compared to the experience gained through personal mistakes.

Several ways exist in which an organization can allow for failure and still find success. An organization can promote failure and success at the same time if they avoid assigning critical tasks as experiential learning. It is good for one to test the waters with small tasks that can have little impact on an organization in case of failure. Also, when organizations allow failure, they should have a proper follow-up. A proper follow up of both failure and success will allow for learning from mistakes and documentation of the best practice for success. Lastly, organizations should promote the creation of simulations. Creating a simulation allows for failure on a small scale which allows for suggestions and adjustments, which eventually promote success (Casuto, 2016).


Casuto, S. (2016). Council Post: Why Failure Is The Key To Workplace Culture Success. Retrieved 21 September 2019, from

Success or failure in failure? (2009). BJU International, 103(7), 991-992. doi: 10.1111/j.1464-410x.2009.08508.x

Respond to this:

It is good for one to test the waters with small tasks that can have little impact on an organization in case of failure

How might you define ‘little impact’? Is that in terms of financial? People losing jobs? Would organizations see this differently?

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