Movie Name: The Pursuit of Happyness
For the essay: 2 page essay, single spaced.
For the presentations: it is going to be a group work. and my part is answering question number 3 in 3 slides.
this is the question
3) How do the scenes/characters link to each other and to the director’s questions?
1) Context/Pretext regarding the film?
2) What questions (ethical) is the director asking?
3) How do the scenes/characters link to each other and to the director’s questions?
4) What are the specific business ethics at stake?
For Instance:
a) Working conditions
d) Accounting Fraud
b) Affirmative Action
e) Social Media Policies
c) Whistle blowing
f) Surveillance Violations
5) How do the characters respond to these ethical issues?
For Instance:
a) Where do the responsibilities lie?
b) Are the issues ignored altogether?
6) What ethical questions are prompted by this film?
Section 1)
Extracting the question(s):
a) As far as you are concerned, what ethical question(s) arose from the film of your/the
group’s choice?—parse out the intricacies of the question(s) as you see it/them
b) As far as you are concerned, what ethical question(s) were addressed insufficiently or
not at all (but should have been)?
Section 2)
Response to the question(s):
a) Having identified and fleshed out your question(s), what are your thoughts?
In what ways would you (would you?) claim responsibility for these
ethical issues?
How does this response square with your worldview?
Section 3)
What soft claim can you make toward some resolve of the ethical issue(s)?
Section 4)
What new questions arise for you from sections 1-3?
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