Consumer Behavior

Assignment Week 3b

Reflective Journal

Brand Personality and Brand Relationships

One of the concepts we’re covering this week is personality, more specifically brand personality and brand relationships. We have learned that brand personality is the human characteristics that can be associated with a particular brand. Brand personalities can be described across five dimensions. These dimensions include: competence, excitement ruggedness, sincerity and sophistication. Consumer behavior researcher Susan Fourmier prosed that the overall quality of brand relationships can be explained by a variety of factors outlined on page 121.

Take a look in your home, pantry or cupboard and garage. Pick 4 brands that you are loyal to, one in each of the following categories: Health & Wellness (shampoo, deodorant etc.); Food & Beverage (soda brands, beer, condiment brands, etc); Electronics (Apple, Samsung, RCA, etc.) and Car Manufacturer (Ford, Chevy, Dodge, etc.). With each of these brands, reflect on why you are loyal to each of those brands and your brand relationship. Your work should be at least 500 words and draw from your own personal thoughts and ideas.

Your work should be at least 500 words and draw from your own personal thoughts and ideas. This journal entry should be written in first person and if you use information from the textbook or lecture be sure to cite your sources.

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