Borderline personality disorder – study need ethical consideration paper!
1,What are some ethic problems involved in that, how do you study borderline personality disorder
2.what that mean for person when you diagnoses them
3,which population I will be samplimig from ( I bel-live women 20-26_ years old) white population (Caucasian/white) and what are the ethical consideration about that population.
4.go and see any other articles and see their ethical consideration and write it accordingly to my paper and my topic.
What they found as a ethic consideration and how other researcher navigated the issues (ethical) to make sure that their resetach will be appropriate.
5.What else I can do to make sure that my study is ethical appropriate as well.
Below you have my paper, its not the perfect one, but what I want to do I want ot measure the borderline personality disorder in women population 20-25, but each of the participants has to be from non borderline mother! becasue we already know that having Borderline mother afects child in having same or similar disorder.!
So, in the top you have a questions that I need answer for. And it has to be done really good! APA style! Perfect apa. I have notice some tutors are not sue how APA look like!
12 front (DOUBLE SPACE)
This is how looks the question!!!!
Part 2 – In this assignment, students will type a 2-3 page paper identifying the ethical considerations of the research questions. This is important because the history of psychology research has in its foundations practices which are now considered unethical. Students should be able to demonstrate an ethical awareness of research and their own professional pursuits.
These are same helpful question that need to induced in the paper too.
1,What are some ethic problems involved in that, how do you study borderline personality disorder
2.what that mean for person when you diagnoses them
3,which population I will be samplimig from ( I bel-live women 20-26_ years old) white population (Caucasian/white) and what are the ethical consideration about that population.
4.go and see any other articles and see their ethical consideration and write it accordingly to my paper and my topic.
What they found as a ethic consideration and how other researcher navigated the issues (ethical) to make sure that their resetach will be appropriate.
5.What else I can do to make sure that my study is ethical appropriate as well.
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