Your Blog Post must be related to some function of Business Administration or / and Tourism and Hospitality Management.
All posts must be new material that is written from scratch. You cannot post writings that you have done in the past. Any suspected or confirmed cases of plagiarism will be handled in accordance with University Calendar guidelines. See the section on “Integrity” in the course syllabus.
Your blog should be professional in appearance and content. It should be something that you would be proud to show a potential employer.
You are to reflect on the questions outlined below and offer your thoughts and opinions on the subject matter in question. Ask yourself these questions before you blog:
Do you agree or disagree with some part of the topic of presented?
Do you feel that it was communicated effectively, or appropriately?
Your post must demonstrate that you have:
Studied the material presented or question asked using active listening skills
Reflected on it, and asked yourself: what does this mean and how does this impact me, what did I learn from this?
Thought critically about it: was this message communicated as effectively as it could have been? Do I agree or disagree with this? How do I feel about the assumptions upon which the information is based?
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