Part 1

Deliverable Length: 600-800 words

Respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

• Search for and take an online entrepreneurship self-quiz. Identify the website address in your analysis.

• TakeQuiz… .

Write up to 3 paragraphs analyzing and comparing the results of both quizzes. Answer the following questions:

• What traits do you exhibit?

• Explain why you feel you can be a successful entrepreneur.

• What surprised you about your quiz results?

• Be sure to support your answers with a minimum of 3 quality references.

Part 2

Deliverable Length: 1,500 words

According to Abrams (2012), entrepreneurs make enormous contributions to societies around the globe. Fast-growing entrepreneurial ventures transform entire economies. Even smaller enterprises make tremendous contributions to their health and stability of their communities.

Complete the following:

• Profile an entrepreneur who has created a product or service that you currently use.

• Refer to the infographic titled “Developing Business Prospects,” and discuss the process that this entrepreneur used.

• Compare and contrast their personality attributes with your own.


Abrams, R. (2012). Entrepreneurship: A real world approach.Palo Alto, CA: Planning Shop

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