Assignment: Food Webs and Marine Ecosystems
Reading requirements
{Intro to Ocean Sci.: Ch. 12 p. 287-288, 297-298 and Ch. 15 p. 410-416
After reading the required reading answer these question :
- Contrast a food chain and a food web. Describe how the biomass at the bottom compares to the biomass at the top of each. Which model is a more accurate description of real ecosystems?
- Describe the causes and process of wind driven upwelling.
- Explain why upwelling zones are generally major fishing areas.
- Describe the food web or trophic interactions in polar ecosystems, include the major primary producers and predators.
- Explain why it is beneficial for baleen whales, some of the largest animals on Earth, to feed at lower trophic levels rather than higher trophic levels.
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