As you have been learning, the culturally responsive, individually appropriate curriculum requires careful attention to values and attitudes, individual children, the classroom community, and how the environment, activities, program, and interactions are structured. In this Application Assignment, you will have the opportunity to observe within an early childhood environment to explore and evaluate how effectively the development and learning of each and every child is supported. Plan Print out and review the Culturally Responsive and Individually Appropriate Curriculum Assessment and Interview Form . Add two factors that you believe will help you better assess the program and practices. Review the interview portion of the assignment, making sure you fully understand each question prior to making your observation/interview appointment. Make sure that you have all materials that you need to conduct the observation and interview prior to arriving at the scheduled observation/interview time. Keep in mind when scheduling your observation that in order to observe interactions with families, it is important to schedule your observation during a period of time when families will be present. Arrive on time. Implement Choose a place to observe where you can see and hear but are unobtrusive. Conduct the interview in an area that is convenient for the professional, being respectful of his or her time schedule. Keep the following observation guidelines in mind: Try to not make assumptions; objectivity is essential. Record what you observe. Note any questions you would like to ask in the interview. Remember that you are observing one moment in time and so are not privy to specific circumstances and/or situations that may be affecting individual children or staff. Try to keep to the time span that you agreed upon for the observation and be sure to thank the teacher(s) in the room and the person you interview. Reflect on your observation and interview. Review your notes and consider the knowledge and insights you gained from this experience. Include the following: Summarize your observation and interview experience. Describe the ways in which what you learned from your observation and interview reflected and/or contradicted what you have learned about culturally responsive and individually appropriate practice. Based on your assessment of the program’s effectiveness, what practices do you feel should be continued? What additional suggestions would you make? What is your rationale for these suggestions? For this assignment, submit: Your completed Culturally Responsive and Individually Appropriate Curriculum Assessment and Interview Form Your Reflection, citing specific examples from your observation and interview

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