Question Answers Possible Points Is the study population identified and described? Are eligibility criteria specified? – – Study Population 5 Eligibility criteria 5 2. Dependent variable 6 3. Independent variable 6 What approach do the authors use to establish content validity? Content validity is the “degree to which an instrument has an appropriate sample of items for the construct being measured and adequately covers the construct domain.” To ensure a “content-valid” instrument, researchers should start with a conceptualization of the construct. This can be based on: · First-hand knowledge · Literature review · Expert consultations · Preliminary qualitative studies 6 What type of sampling plan was used? Would an alternative sampling plan have been preferable? Was the sampling plan one that could be expected to yield a representative sample? – – Sampling plan. 5 Alternative sampling plan 2 Sampling plan yielding representative sample 2 If sampling was stratified, was a useful stratification variable selected? If a consecutive sample was used, was the time period long enough to address seasonal or temporal variation? – – Stratification 1 Consecutive sampling 1 7. If cluster sampling was utilized, what were the clusters and how was sampling done within clusters? 2 How were people recruited into the sample? Does the method suggest potential biases? – – Recruitment 4 Potential biases 4 Did some factor other than the sampling plan affect the representativeness of the sample? 5 Are possible sample biases or weaknesses identified by the researchers themselves? 5 Are key characteristics of the sample described (e. g., mean age, percent female)? If yes, please provide detailed information on sample characteristics. 12 Was the sample size justified on the basis of a power analysis or other rationale? 5 13. What approach do the authors use to check for internal reliability? 5 14. What approach do the authors use to establish interrater reliability? 2 15. What approach do the authors use to establish test-retest reliability? 2 16. What approach do the authors use to establish discriminant validity? Discriminant validity is “the ability to differentiate a construct from other similar constructs.” 5 Does the sample support inferences about external validity? To whom can the study results reasonably be generalized? – – External validity 5 Generalizability 5
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