Instructions: Read an article related to child guidance. See the course calendar for required source (magazine, internet, newspaper, academic journal). This article review must in a narrative and no more than 1-2 pages typed. This assignment should be typed into a Word document (follow syllabus guidelines) and submitted as an attachment in the assigned learning module link. Must be submitted in Canvas or risk points being deducted. Any other submissions must have prior approval by instructor.
Student Name
Course: CDEC 1319.(section#)
- Title of Article & Author(s). Must use APA format. Visit Purdue OWL link (Links to an external site.)
- Article must be attached to assignment either by a link or attached document.
Paragraph One: Briefly state the main idea of the NEWSPAPER article. List three important facts that the author(s) uses to support the main idea. Provide examples used to point out main idea.
Paragraph Two: Discuss information or ideas discussed in the article that are also discussed in your textbook or other readings that you have done? List the textbook chapter(s) and page numbers. Discuss terms/concepts that were discussed in the article, and write a short definition in your words.
Paragraph Three: Discuss why you selected this article, and how you can use this info in your work with children and families.
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