Signature Assignment – Article Critique

For this assignment, you are to find and critique an article regarding a current event related to the field of psychology.

Assignment Guidelines:

Take your article from a popular publication such as Time, Newsweek, US News and World Report, etc.

You can look for a story from the APA at, to begin your search.

The article must have been published within the past year.

Do not use an Internet blog, a professional journal, or newspaper article. These sources are likely either too brief or too complex for this assignment.

Look for a thorough article that is written for the general public.

Ensure that your article relates to psychology and one of the subjects covered in the course (If you are not sure, refer to the table of contents of your text).

Make sure that the article has sufficient depth and breadth (enough content and specific information) to allow a thorough critique.

Critiques of the article must include the following:

Identify and articulate the key issue(s) in the article. Identify information/evidence in the article that supports its point of view and/or conclusions.

Analyze both the student’s and the author’s assumptions regarding the article’s point of view and/or conclusions.

Identify background information relevant to the article’s point of view and conclusions.

Explore and evaluate the issue(s) relevance to real world problems and solutions.

Clarify the student’s own position, perspective and/or hypothesis.

Explain the conclusions, implications and/or consequences of the article. Paper Requirements:

The APA style format must be used in writing the paper.

It should be between 5-6 pages in length (not including the title and reference page). Although outside sources are not required, any such material used in writing the paper must be properly cited according to the APA format with a complete bibliography of all source material.

I personally have not found a certain article

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