Imagine you are on a team at your workplace and have identified a new best practice to implement. In this assignment, you will describe the steps of implementing this new practice. This will require you to do some research of your own about how change comes about in your workplace. You will need to check your policies and procedures and may need to talk with a supervisor with experience in this area. You will need to support your thoughts on why you think a change needs to occur. This should be done by using the literature.
- Differentiate among research, research utilization, and evidence-based practice
- Identify the steps of evidence-based practice
Minimum of four (4) total references: two (2) references from required course materials and two (2) peer-reviewed references. All references must be no older than five years (unless making a specific point using a seminal piece of information)
Levels of Achievement
Needs Improvement
Not Acceptable
7 to 7 Points
Clearly states the purpose of the paper.
Provides a comprehensive overview of topic or questions.
Engages the reader.
Organized and has easy follow.
2 to 6 Points
Overview is provided, but key points/ideas are missing.
Purpose statement is not clear.
Does not engage the reader.
Somewhat disorganized but still comprehensible
0 to 1 Points
Does not provide an overview of the paper or is absent.
No purpose statement.
Key Requirement 1: Identifies a best new practice to implement
5 to 5 Points
Student clearly identifies a new best practice for his or her workplace
Provides explanation and examples as to why this practice was chosen.
3 to 4 Points
Student identifies a new best practice for his or her workplace
Does not provide explanation or examples as to why this practice was chosen.
0 to 2 Points
Does not provide a new best practice for his or her workplace.
Key Requirement 2: Describes the steps to implementing the best new practice (from your workplace)
7 to 7 Points
Clearly describes the steps to implementing this change.
Shows that research has been done on how to implement this change in the workplace.
3 to 6 Points
Partially describes the steps to implementing this change, but misses steps or has omissions.
0 to 2 Points
The steps to implementing an evidence based new best practice in the workplace are not addressed.
Key Requirement 3: Supports the implementation of this best new practice through the literature
8 to 8 Points
Student thoroughly supports the implementation of the new best practice with current research articles.
3 to 7 Points
An overview on why implementing this new best practice is provided, but it is not thoroughly supported by the literature.
0 to 2 Points
Student does not support the implementation of the new best practice with current research articles.
7 to 7 Points
Summarizes paper and reflects on what the reader has learned from the paper.
Demonstrates persuasive thought and is well organized.
2 to 6 Points
Merely summarizes the introduction or contains new ideas not present in the paper contents.
Somewhat disorganized but still comprehensible
0 to 1 Points
Simply restates the introduction or is absent.
Disorganized to the point of distraction
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