You are expected to answer the following critical thinking questions with comprehensive, college-level answers.This assignment is due on. Students must complete a thread in order to view other threads in this forum.

1) Countries like the United States that have a high standard of living are referred to as industrialized nations. Countries with a lower standard of living and quality of life are called developing countries (or sometimes underdeveloped or less developed countries). What factors prevent developing nations from becoming industrialized nations?

2) What can businesses do to prevent unexpected problems in dealing with sociocultural, economic and financial, legal and regulatory, and physical and environmental forces in global markets?

3) How would you justify the use of revenue or protective tariffs in today’s global market? (A current global market issue.)

4) About 95% of the world’s population lives outside the United States, but many U.S. companies, especially small businesses, still do not engage in global trade. Why not? Do you think more small businesses will participate in global trade in the future? Why or why not?

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