This class discussion is intended to get you thinking about how a person’s message will change depending on the audience to which they are communicating. For the discussion, you will write first person monologues based on a scenario you select. In turn, you will respond to the monologues your peers wrote, critiquing them based on rhetorical concepts read about in Writing: Ten Core Concepts.
Module 4 initial post
Would you say that to him? Think about the way someone would speak or write in the following situations, depending on the audience. Choose one of the following pairs (Option 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5), and write two brief monologues (approximately 100 words each) that show the differences in word choice, tone, and purpose appropriate for each scenario and each audience. Write in the voice of the main “character” in each pair (that is, use “I” and write the way that person would speak or write.) Think about what that “I” wants to achieve in his/her monologue (persuasion, permission, power, sympathy, help, status, or something else?). NOTE: This is not an exercise in true confessions. You may certainly base your monologues on what you know from personal life experience or observation, but the speaker does not have to be you.
Option 1: A. A teenager describes a party to his/her parent. B.The teenager describes the same party to his/her friend.
Option 2: A. An adult describes a family crisis to his/her pastor or spiritual advisor. B. The adult describes the same family crisis to his/her eight-year-old child.
Option 3: A. An adult explains a traffic violation to a police officer. B. The adult describes the same incident to his/her spouse or significant other.
Option 4: A. An adult describes a problem at work to his/her boss or supervisor. B. The adult describes the same problem at work to a coworker.
Option 5: A. An unemployed adult writes a profile for an online dating website. B. The same unemployed adult writes a cover letter applying for a job.
Your initial post should be at least 200 original words.
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