The Final Paper will be titled “An Integrated Marketing Strategy for ____.” You will fill in the blank with an existing or a new brand name of your choice. The goal of the paper is to integrate theories and concepts from the textbook and readings into your own ideas to create specific marketing ideas to promote the brand (good or service) with a particular target market.
- Provide an Overview/Executive Summary of the marketing strategy.
- Describe the good or service and desired brand image.
- Describe the target market, including buyer motivations, demographics, and psychographics.
- Describe the overall marketing strategy, including positioning strategy versus competitors.a. Describe a promotions and advertising campaign that includes a description of one advertisement.
b. Recommend and describe a Public Relations campaign.
c. Describe the use of an Internet marketing campaign, including web site and use of email.
d. Describe a direct marketing campaign, including Customer Relationship Management. - 6 pages double spaced in length APA stlye with title page
- at least 4 scholarly references
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