Write a three-page essay that describes the diversity and social complexity of Africans before the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.
Must be in Chicago style format
2 quotes per page , must have a title page and bibliography.
A three-page essay
The student cited at least three scholarly sources in their three-page essay
The student adequately wrote about the given topic listed on the syllabus,
without getting off topic.
The student adequately adhered to writing their three-page essay in Chicago
Style Formatting.
The student adequately created a strong thesis statement.
The student’s grammatical errors are held to a minimum.
The student includes footnotes, a bibliography, and a title page.
The student’s three-page essay is double-spaced.
The student’s three-page essay is professionally written.
The student didn’t use any block quotes.
1 title page, 3 page essay, 1 bibliography page at the end
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