Your assignment is to use the Eight Dimensions of Wellness, the strategies for wellness and academic success, and the Transtheoretical Model to create a personal Wellness Action Plan. Submit your plan (use the questions below as a guide) in the Canvas text box. The first step in determining your Wellness Action Plan involves asking yourself some questions. Start with a list of things that you want to improve. Choose a specific item from your list to focus on. Your Wellness Action Plan should include the following: Your Path to Change 1. What do you need to do? 2. What needs to change in your life for you to accomplish your desire? State the change as specifically as you can. For example, you might state your goal as: I want to increase my daily activity. Your Committed Path to Change What are you making a commitment to do? Choose an initial step that is easy and doable and that will get you moving. Similar to a map, chart your course to your chosen desire. Create strategies that are challenging without being too much. Be specific Write down what you will do and by when Write down how you will measure your success For example, if you want to increase daily activity, your list might include using an app to track calories burned, drinking more water, walking to class, and going to group fitness classes at the gym 3 times a week. In terms of deadlines, you might say that you will make an appointment with for a free Fitness Equipment Orientation at the Campus Rec fitness center within two weeks and that you will go to one group exercise class before the end of the week. You might measure your success by drinking 8 glasses of water everyday and doing 30 minutes of physical activity at least five days out of the week. Challenges to Your Change – What are you up against? 1. List the obstacles that are in your way or you believe could prevent you from reaching your desired destination. For example: When I have a lot of schoolwork, I neglect my physical activity. Strategies to Meet the Challenges – How can you overcome the hurdles in your way? 1. Create specific strategies to help you make adjustments in your life or avoid things that will hold you back. For example: When Im under deadlines for tests, I will make my activity shorter, but I will not skip it. Sources of Support Who can share this journey with you and support you? Who can you count on for encouragement and accountability? Identify at least one resource on campus that you might use to help you work towards your goal.
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