Write an essay of over 1000 words to answer the following question:
Should the United States retain the Electoral College as a means to elect the President (and Vice-President)?
Be careful: this is not a question about the merits of individual presidents or presidential candidates. In answering the question, feel free to draw upon any sources, but cite them. You do not have to develop an original opinion, but can synthesize the arguments of others—just be sure to cite all facts and all ideas that you did not come up with yourself.
You will make an argument in this persuasive essay (for or against the institution known as the electoral college). So, a good structure for this essay would start off with an introductory paragraph containing a thesis statement, then provide evidence in a series of body paragraphs, before considering (and either refuting or acknowledging the merits of) counterarguments in the penultimate paragraph and finally ending in a conclusion.
I am picking the side that electoral college is completely waste of time and money. It shouldn’t keep going.
Please cite every source or idea that’s not original!!!!!
Please cite every source or idea that’s not original!!!!!
Please cite every source or idea that’s not original!!!!!
Please cite every source or idea that’s not original!!!!!
Please cite every source or idea that’s not original!!!!!
Please cite every source or idea that’s not original!!!!!
Please cite every source or idea that’s not original!!!!!
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