Select one (or more) of the following Sampling Plans. Identify if the sampling plan is appropriate for the given scenario. Justify your decision based on the characteristics of the plan, the ease or difficulty of carrying out the plan, and any sampling errors likely to occur due to the sampling plan.
Indicate whether you think the sampling plan is appropriate for the scenario and explain why. Your response should address the reason to use/not use the Sampling Plan including possible sampling errors.
Scenario 1: A manufacturing company with 100 employees wants to conduct a survey to determine how their employees feel about existing company policies. The HR manager decides to divide the company into five clusters, Sales (18 employees), Engineering (5 employees), Production (57 employees), Maintenance (12 employees) and Management (8 employees). She then randomly chooses Sales to complete the survey and all 18 members of the Sales department are given the survey.
Scenario 2: A large multi-national company wants to survey their employees about worker satisfaction. Approximately 30% of the company workers are in the U.S., 25% are in Canada, 15% are in Australia, with 10% each in Vietnam, Panama, and Japan. Since Management believes the response may vary from country to country they decide to use a Stratified Sampling Plan, with each country representing a different stratum. They use simple random sampling to choose 100 representatives from each stratum. The survey is emailed to the selected employees and responses are requested within 30 days.
Scenario 3: A major state university wants to poll their alumni on their willingness to financially support building a new football stadium. They take a list of all graduates from the university for the last 50 years and using a computer, randomize the entire list. They take the first 1,000 names from the list and phone them to ask if they would be willing to pledge to support the new stadium.
Response parameters: Indicate whether you think the sampling plan is appropriate for the scenario and explain why. Your response should address the reason to use/not use the Sampling Plan including possible sampling errors
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