IS 620 Assignment 3

Suppose you have created tables in assignment 1. Please write an anonymous PL/SQL program for each the following problems. You can use the attached SQL statements to create the tables.

Problem 1: Write an anonymous PL/SQL program to compute the sum of 1, 4, 9, 16, 25. You must use a loop. Tip: consider how to update your loop variable. [30 points]

Problem 2: Use an implicit cursor to print out the name of arrival and departure airport for the first leg of outbound flight on flight reservation 1 (1 is rid). Please handle exceptions. [30 points]

Problem 3: Use two explicit cursors. One prints out all flights scheduled leaving BWI on November 12 2017 including flight number, destination city, departure time ordered by destination city and then by departure time; the other prints out all scheduled flights arriving at BWI on November 12 2017 including flight number, departure city, arrival time ordered by departure city and then by arrival time. [40 points].

Sample code to create the tables.

drop table Trip_Detail;

drop table Flight_Reservation;

drop table passenger;

drop table schedule;

drop table flight;

drop table airport;

drop table airline;

create table airline


alcode char(2),

alname varchar(50),

primary key (alcode)


insert into airline values

(‘UA’, ‘United’);

insert into airline values

(‘DL’, ‘Delta’);

insert into airline values

(‘NK’, ‘Spirit’);

create table airport


apcode char(3),

apname varchar(50),

city varchar(50),

state varchar(50),

country varchar(50),

primary key(apcode));

insert into airport values

(‘BWI’, ‘Baltimore Washington Airport’, ‘Baltimore’, ‘MD’, ‘USA’);

insert into airport values

(‘DTW’, ‘Detroit Airport’,’Detroit’, ‘MI’, ‘USA’);

insert into airport values

(‘LAX’, ‘Los Angeles Airport’,’Los Angeles’,’CA’,’USA’);

insert into airport values

(‘PVG’, ‘Shanghai Pudong Airport’,’Shanghai’,’Shanghai’,’China’);

insert into airport values

(‘EWR’, ‘Newark Airport’,’Newark’,’NJ’,’USA’);

create table flight


fnumber varchar(20),

alcode char(2),

departure_apcode char(3),

arrival_apcode char(3),

primary key (fnumber),

foreign key(alcode) references airline,

foreign key(departure_apcode) references airport,

foreign key(arrival_apcode) references airport


insert into flight values

(‘UA 3938′,’UA’,’BWI’,’EWR’);

insert into flight values

(‘UA 86′,’UA’,’EWR’,’PVG’);

insert into flight values

(‘UA 87′,’UA’,’PVG’,’EWR’);

insert into flight values

(‘UA 4144′,’UA’,’EWR’,’BWI’);

insert into flight values

(‘DL 2429′,’DL’,’BWI’,’DTW’);

insert into flight values

(‘DL 583′,’DL’,’DTW’,’PVG’);

insert into flight values

(‘DL 582′,’DL’,’PVG’,’DTW’);

insert into flight values

(‘DL 1906′,’DL’,’DTW’,’BWI’);

insert into flight values

(‘NK 141′,’NK’,’BWI’,’LAX’);

insert into flight values

(‘NK 128′,’NK’,’LAX’,’BWI’);

insert into flight values

(‘UA 1623′,’UA’,’BWI’,’LAX’);

insert into flight values

(‘UA 2020′,’UA’,’LAX’,’BWI’);

create table schedule


sid int,

fnumber varchar(20),

departure_time timestamp with time zone,

arrival_time timestamp with time zone,

price number,

primary key(sid),

foreign key(fnumber) references flight


insert into schedule values

(1, ‘UA 3938’, timestamp ‘2017-9-12 06:41:00.00 -05:00’,timestamp ‘2017-9-12 07:50:00.00 -05:00’,120);

insert into schedule values

(2, ‘UA 86’, timestamp ‘2017-9-12 10:45:00.00 -05:00’,timestamp ‘2017-9-13 13:40:00.00 +08:00’,400);

insert into schedule values

(3, ‘UA 87’, timestamp ‘2017-10-12 15:40:00.00 +08:00’,timestamp ‘2017-10-12 18:00:00.00 -05:00’,300);

insert into schedule values

(4, ‘UA 4144’, timestamp ‘2017-10-12 22:00:00.00 -05:00’,timestamp ‘2017-10-12 23:20:00.00 -05:00’,200);

insert into schedule values

(5, ‘DL 2429’, timestamp ‘2017-9-12 13:00:00.00 -05:00’,timestamp ‘2017-9-12 14:30:00.00 -05:00’,140);

insert into schedule values

(6, ‘DL 583’, timestamp ‘2017-9-12 16:30:00.00 -05:00’,timestamp ‘2017-9-13 18:50:00.00 +08:00’,500);

insert into schedule values

(7, ‘DL 582’, timestamp ‘2017-10-12 11:40:00.00 +08:00’,timestamp ‘2017-10-12 13:40:00.00 -05:00’,400);

insert into schedule values

(8, ‘DL 1906’, timestamp ‘2017-10-12 15:20:00.00 -05:00’,timestamp ‘2017-10-12 17:00:00.00 -05:00’,150);

insert into schedule values

(9, ‘NK 141’, timestamp ‘2017-11-12 08:40:00.00 -05:00’,timestamp ‘2017-11-12 11:30:00.00 -08:00’,120);

insert into schedule values

(10, ‘NK 128’, timestamp ‘2017-11-16 21:30:00.00 -08:00’,timestamp ‘2017-11-17 05:30:00.00 -05:00’,120);

insert into schedule values

(11, ‘UA 1623’, timestamp ‘2017-11-12 06:30:00.00 -05:00’,timestamp ‘2017-11-12 09:00:00.00 -08:00’,150);

insert into schedule values

(12, ‘UA 2020’, timestamp ‘2017-11-16 21:30:00.00 -08:00’,timestamp ‘2017-11-17 05:30:00.00 -05:00’,150);

insert into schedule values

(13, ‘UA 3938’, timestamp ‘2017-11-12 06:41:00.00 -05:00’,timestamp ‘2017-11-12 07:50:00.00 -05:00’,120);

insert into schedule values

(14, ‘UA 4144’, timestamp ‘2017-11-12 22:00:00.00 -05:00’,timestamp ‘2017-11-12 23:20:00.00 -05:00’,200);

insert into schedule values

(15, ‘DL 2429’, timestamp ‘2017-11-12 13:00:00.00 -05:00’,timestamp ‘2017-11-12 14:30:00.00 -05:00’,140);

insert into schedule values

(16, ‘NK 128’, timestamp ‘2017-11-11 21:30:00.00 -08:00’,timestamp ‘2017-11-12 05:30:00.00 -05:00’,120);

insert into schedule values

(17, ‘UA 2020’, timestamp ‘2017-11-11 21:30:00.00 -08:00’,timestamp ‘2017-11-12 05:30:00.00 -05:00’,150);

insert into schedule values

(18, ‘DL 1906’, timestamp ‘2017-11-12 15:20:00.00 -05:00’,timestamp ‘2017-11-12 17:00:00.00 -05:00’,150);

create table passenger

(pid int,

pname varchar(50),

phone varchar(20),

primary key(pid));

insert into passenger values

(1, ‘Jeff’, ‘410-465-1928’);

insert into passenger values

(2, ‘Erin’, ‘410-465-2234’);

create table flight_reservation


rid int,

pid int,

num_passengers int,

origin_apcode char(3),

destination_apcode char(3),

departure_date date,

return_date date,

total number, — total price, need to be computed from each flight leg price

primary key (rid),

foreign key(pid) references passenger,

foreign key (origin_apcode) references airport,

foreign key (destination_apcode) references airport


insert into flight_reservation values

(1, 1, 4, ‘BWI’,’PVG’,date ‘2017-09-12’, date ‘2017-10-12’,0);

insert into flight_reservation values

(2, 1, 1, ‘BWI’,’LAX’,date ‘2017-11-12’, date ‘2017-11-16’,0);

insert into flight_reservation values

(3, 2, 4, ‘BWI’,’LAX’,date ‘2017-11-12’, date ‘2017-11-16’,0);

create table trip_detail


rid int,

sid int,

flag int,

leg int,

primary key(rid,sid),

foreign key (rid) references flight_reservation,

foreign key (sid) references schedule


insert into trip_detail values


insert into trip_detail values


insert into trip_detail values


insert into trip_detail values


insert into trip_detail values


insert into trip_detail values


insert into trip_detail values


insert into trip_detail values



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