As we explored and surveyed through Chapter 3, elections are an important requirement for democracy. Yet, democratic elections require certain criteria: peaceful, representative, free, and fair elections.

For our first assignment, I want you to read and react to the attached article from the Foreign Affairs journal. This article discusses the upcoming elections in Libya. Since the fall of al- Qadhafi’s regime, Libya has been through a challenging and tumultuous journey of democratization. For additional background in the topic, you may read the following article You should relate this analysis to concepts learned thus far in our course.

In your understanding, will Libya be able to hold successful elections? What political criteria must it meet to achieve successful outcomes?

Please note that although, this is not an English course, it is expected that you articulate your comparative analysis thoughtfully, clearly, and concisely. Please review your article for grammar and typos prior to submission. Papers will not only be reviewed for content but also for overall academic writing.

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