
I have 5 MIS related questions that need to be answered. I will provide you a copy of the book and all the materials you will need.FILLER TEXT 


– please make sure you just utilize the book and maybe slides in (Chapter 5-6)  to answer the second and fourth questions   (please do not use Google search) 

– Here is the link for the video mentioned in first question

  • Are Robots Hurting the Job Market? 60 Minutes


– Here is the link for the video mentioned in third questionFILLER TEXT

FILLER TEXTBusiness Process and Information Technology – How They Fit Together” Video,



– In one of the attachment you will find the article mentioned in fifth question ( What every CEO needs to Know about the Cloud) 

I want to clarify the Essay questions will need to be answered in paragraph format. As far as how long the answers need to be, I am not looking for a certain amount of words or paragraphs but rather be sure to completely answer the questions provided.FILLER TEXT

The Chapters in the book are 4-5-6.FILLER TEXT

Thank you,, 


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