Malcolm Gladwell “Small Change”

Rhys Southan “Is Art a Waste of Time?” emerging3 pg29-36

These two papers address how change can be created in society. While Gladwell focuses on how relationships can effect change, Southan suggests that the responsibility for change lies with the individual. But if you wanted to make some difference in our world, how would you use the ideas discussed in these essays? Write a paper in which you discuss the role of the individual in producing social change.

Rough draft at least 3 pages (finishing on p.4)


  • Please give your paper an effective and meaningful title.
  • Please use a 12 point font, double-spaced, standard fonts only (Arial, New Times Roman, Garamond etc.).
  • Please use 1” margins on all sides.
  • Please include your name and Assignment # on the top right of page 1.
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