(1) Wk 5 Discussion Board Review Chapter Four and rewrite the following statements with fresh, bias free, and courteous personal expressions: · Being a jack of all trades, Dave worked well in his new selling job. (This sentence deals with selecting words.) · For as old as he is, Sam is still one of our most active sales reps. (This sentence deals with bias.) · You claim you mailed your check last Thursday, but we have not received it. (This sentence deals with courtesy.) · Revise the following to be positive : To avoid damaging your credit record, please remit payment within 10 days. Discuss your responses with the class and faculty. (CHAPTER 4 ATTACHED) (2) Economic Dynamics of Health Care Delivery Models After reading Chapter 7 and the required resources for this week, consider the following scenario: HIV Help-Inc., a non-profit organization focusing on the prevention of HIV/AIDS just received a $10 million grant to fund several projects. The organization is currently located in an older building that needs extensive repairs. The organization is using outdated office equipment In addition, one additional staff member is needed in order to keep up with incoming phone calls and requests for presentations and community outreach activities. A portion of the grant – $2 million – is allotted for business improvements which can address one of these three areas: repairs to building, outdated office equipment, and more staff. The remaining $8 million is to be used to further enhance the continuum of care level to provide access to preventive health services. Section A : Create a cost benefit analysis for an update that will improve the business: structural, office equipment, or staff. You can be creative in determining what the business needs. The cost will use the full amount of funds allotted to this improvement ($2 Million), so you can only improve one of these three needs Note : Your work must include Steps 1-4, as outlined in section 7.2 of your course text. Section B : Create a cost effective analysis to determine how to best spend the $8 million portion of the grant funding on education and other preventive services. The organization currently serves the community and clientele with community education classes at schools and community centers, as well as the distribution of condoms and educational materials. They wish to expand their current services to reach the neighboring community (4,000 residents), add social media advertising and messaging to reach the younger population, distribute educational material and condoms to homeless shelters in the area, and add HIV testing to at-risk individuals. Select two of the potential services and determine how the money can be best spent to have the greatest outcome for the HIV+ population in the community. Note : Your work must address the costs as well as the anticipated benefits, as outlined in section 7.2 of your course text Section C : Based on the CDC website (Links to an external site.) , analyze how cultural norms impact the risk of getting HIV. Explain one method or action on how to address this challenge. Your initial contribution should be 250 to 300 words in length. Use proper APA formatting for in-text citations and references as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (3) Regulatory, Legal, Ethical, and Accreditation Issues in Research As highlighted in Chapter 9 of your course text, three research methods are available (descriptive, analytic, and evaluative). Discuss these methods and give one example of how each would be used when conducting research using homeless individuals as subjects. Analyze regulatory, accreditation, ethical, and legal issues and challenges related to each research method. Your initial contribution should be 250 to 300 words in length. Your research and claims must be supported by your course text and at least one other scholarly source. Use proper APA formatting for in-text citations and references as outlined in the Ashford Writi…
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