Responses should be a minimum of 250 words and include direct questions. You may challenge, support or supplement another student’s answer using the terms, concepts and theories from the required readings. Also, do not be afraid to respectfully disagree where you feel appropriate; as this should be part of your analysis process at this academic level.
Respond to Chris:
This is the final week of the class and we have discussed a lot about intelligence gathering in relation to homeland security. This week, we evaluate the most significant issues for the future of HSINT. This includes two current limitations that we discussed in our final assignment.
Issues in the Homeland Security Intelligence
An issue in the Homeland Security Intelligence is identifying intelligence and streamlining the information to the proper individuals to thwart any hazard that may occur. This takes an interagency collaboration to be successful and one solution is to form task forces. These task forces can organize their efforts by research and analysis, engagements and technical assistance, communications, and interventions. Task force will cultivate countering violent extremism (CVE) programming that incorporates sound results, coordinate technical assistance to CVE, manage communications and develop multidisciplinary intervention programs (Bjelopera, 2016). Most of these task forces are utilized through fusion centers, which local law enforcement can report suspicious activity to generate leads for the task force to pursue (Bjelopera, 2016). These challenges cause issues if proper collaboration and information sharing is not achieved.
Limitations that exist include the information sharing between the levels in the HSINT. Fusion centers need a defined existence and proper procedures on how to communicate and transmit data effectively. The development of fusion centers was an initiative undertaken at the sub-federal level. The inability to effectively share information and sustain proper communication, results in further procedure integration to sustain longevity of the fusion centers (Burch, 2008). Not knowing what type of information to exchange and with who, hinders the effectiveness of the HSINT.
Another challenge desirous to address is cyber-terrorism and cyber-attacks. With the world distribution of social media, a terrorist is capable to market their beliefs to other individuals. Terrorist use social media to identify, assess, recruit, and radicalize vulnerable individuals of all ages within the US creating this terribly difficult to predict and manage. Cyber-attacks became routine, extremely damaging, and more technical, formulating them tougher to anticipate and stop. The reliableness of the system and accessibility of knowledge create cyber-attacks straightforward to manipulate.
The risks will come from those influenced and radicalized by terrorist organizations, making the threat real and daunting. Advancement in technology and the internet makes determining what type of agent could be used as a weapon and planning for that type of attack difficult. “The danger posed by cyber attacks extends not only to critical infrastructure systems such as the power grid and water systems, but to the nation’s economy as well” (Nelson, 2013, p. 2). Any effort to protect the nation against cyber-attacks will require a robust system for sharing the cyber-threat information and intelligence between different agencies (Nelson, 2013). These challenges pose issues that must be overcome by homeland security in order to protect the US from an attack.
Bjelopera, J. (2016). The Islamic State’s Acolytes and the Challenges They Pose to U.S. Law
Enforcement. Congressional Research Service: Report, 1–19. Retrieved from
Nelson, R. (2013). Homeland Security at a Crossroads: Evolving DHS to Meet the Next
Generation of Threats. Retrieved from…
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