Must be qualitative research

Must use sophisticated language (medical/Chemical/biological terminology and statistical terminology )

Minimum of 1500 words

why is Autism more prevalent in men vs woman and how it affects individuals lives! This is a thesis paper conducted purely on recent (published after 2014) Academic peer-reviewed scholarly Journal articles. Reference pages not included in the paper length. Must have six peer-reviewed articles, additionally must attach a PDF copy of each one.

Literature review must answer the questions mentioned in the attachment and additionally talk about similarities and differences, each article’s hypothesis, methods used, major findings, limitations.

this thesis paper requires two hypotheses:

One hypothesis can be derived on your own

Second hypothesis must talk about chromosomes X and Y chromosomes in particular, research must back up to the fact that women have 2X chromosomes whereas men have one, as autism as a developmental issue, chromosomes also play a significant factor. Determine what that factories, what role chromosomes playing.

Remember: this is important for society as those who are diagnosed with autism autism are rapidly increasing in the recent years. You ( I aka the person who is writing this paper is an applied behavioral analysist, Therapist for autistic kids, very passionate about them )

Must be tied to a social or psychological theory.

I need medical knowledge however I don’t need you to go too deep into the medical aspect! I need this to be based more on statistical data and use statistical explanations as well as some medical explanations

Upon satisfaction will leave a generous tip Great reviews and will definitely be back for more work in the future! I require cooperation, as I might need editing before approving the payment

synthesize your research provide with hundred percent authentic Final draft

cite resources

Will request for a refund upon finding any plagiarism not even 1% is acceptable

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