Create a 7-10 PowerPoint slide presentation (excluding the title and reference slides) with speaker notes for entry in your Strategic Management Research Journal. You will use information from this entry in your presentation due in Week 5. Respond to the following prompts in your PowerPoint presentation: · Assess whether Caterpillar Inc. is using the appropriate measures to verify its strategic effectiveness. · Summarize Caterpillar Inc.s organizational structure. · Determine whether Caterpillar Inc.s organizational structure is considered a traditional organizational structure or a Holacracy. · Detail why it is important for Caterpillar Inc. leadership to study and understand the companys internal and external environments. · Evaluate Caterpillar Inc.s competitive position and how they have responded to shifts in the external and internal environments. · The Title and Reference slides · Use at least two scholarly sources. Be sure to use Rothaermel, F. T. (2018). Strategic management: Concepts (4th ed). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill as one of the two scholarly sources. Use the APA formatting for the title page, headings, in-text citations, and reference list. Submit your assignment.
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