Please see the below the questions below that I would like answered. This assignment must consist of 300+ words with 2 Scholarly Sources, the below reference must be used as one source. **NO PLAGIARISM WHATSOEVER**
1) Select two events (a flood, wildfire, snow event or mudslide) and research recent examples of these natural disasters. Describe each event and tell how these illustrate key concepts from the textbook.
2)What measures were taken to respond to each of these events? Was the response successful? What were some of the challenges found in each of these natural disaster events?
3) Finally, what are the lessons learned for emergency first responders from these events? How do these events inform the field of emergency management?
Textbook and Reference is attached below:
Abbott, P. L. (2014). Natural disasters (9th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
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