Please use ONLY the material in the case. No outside information (news articles, internet material, etc) is needed NOR SHOULD BE CONSULTED when developing your case brief. This is an individual assignment though you may discuss some ideas with the other students in the class, it is expected each student will do their own analysis and writing.FILLER TEXT

Please address the following issues in your report on the Tesla Case: (Max 3 single spaced pages for the Tesla report please). 

1) Provide at least three ways Tesla’s way of doing business is different from traditional car manufacturers. Describe the strength and weaknesses of these differences for Tesla. 

2) What problems is Tesla having with the Model 3 production? Do these problems matter to Tesla? Explain your reasoning. 

3) If you were advising Elon Musk, what would you suggest he do to improve the performance at Tesla? 

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