Pre-writing Graphic Organizer
Choose the topic from the list below that most inspires your imagination and plan your story.
Reminder of Narrative Topics—Choose One
- Banquo has been murdered; discussions and suspicions regarding his death can be heard throughout the castle. Write a narrative that tells a story about what you think transpires between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as they prepare to attend Banquo’s funeral.
- During a visit to Macbeth’s castle, Macduff discovers that King Duncan has been murdered. What if the weird sisters had appeared and spoken with Macduff at this moment? Write a narrative that tells a story about what might have transpired between Macduff and the weird sisters.
- You are a guest at Macbeth’s coronation; during dinner, Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost. Using first person point of view, write a narrative that tells a story about the events at the coronation.
Generating Ideas
List and describe the characters involved in the narrative you are creating. Make sure to use complete sentences and include multiple facets of detail. Consider height, weight, physical characteristics, clothing, etc. The more detailed this is the better your final product will be.
Character Name:
How would you describe this character? | Why? | |
Physical Appearance |
Feelings |
Attitude |
Character Name:
How would you describe this character? | Why? | |
Physical Appearance |
Feelings |
Attitude |
Character Name:
How would you describe this character? | Why? | |
Physical Appearance |
Feelings |
Attitude |
What problems are characters having with other characters, themselves, society, or nature?
Characters | Conflict Experienced | How do they respond? |
Write some words or phrases that will help you describe the setting of your story. Where do the events take place? What does it look like there? What does it feel like there? Make sure you focus on the actual physical space where the scene will occur. If it’s a room, describe the dimensions, furnishings, colors etc. Remember that this occurs in 1100s Scotland.
Plan the course of events in your narrative.
Exposition | Rising Action | Climax | Falling Action | Resolution |
Think of the overall effect you would like your narrative to have on the reader. How will
you create that effect? Brainstorm ways to establish voice.
Point of View: |
Tone—What is the attitude of your story? | Pace—How fast is your story going to move? |
Words to describe the tone: How will you communicate that tone? How do you want readers to feel after they read your story? |
What pace fits your narrative: Why? How will you create that pace? |
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